Finchley solicitor contributes to Amsterdam seminar on child abduction
A Partner at Finchley-based OGR Stock Denton Solicitors has contributed to a seminar in Amsterdam on English law relating to child abduction.
Peter Martin is a founder and board member of the Child Abduction Lawyers Association, who were invited by a Netherlands-based organisation of Family lawyers to present a seminar on child abduction issues and the voice of the child in family proceedings..
He said: “I was delighted to be able to take part in the seminar and to help provide information to colleagues in the Netherlands as part of a dialogue on this international problem.”
“The Dutch lawyers present were particularly fascinated by the powers that the English High Court has for helping to find the child in the initial stages and the fact that the detective work is largely carried out by the lawyer instructed with the assistance of High Court Orders that can be obtained against public bodies for disclosure of information.
“They were also highly impressed at the speed at which English lawyers are able to work on these types of cases which ensures that the six week target from instructions to final hearing is often met.
“We also had a very interesting exchange of information and a discussion about how the voice of the child is brought into proceedings in England as well as in the Netherlands.
“This was a valuable exercise for everyone who took part.”
A total of 35 lawyers from the UK and Netherlands took part in the seminar on 26 September.