Research shows importance of wills and probate advice

An increasing number of Britons are failing to write a will to protect their assets – and hundreds of thousands of properties across the UK are left empty and derelict every year as a result.

The news comes from charity Empty Homes, which estimates that approximately £132billion worth of UK property is slowly rotting away and becoming dilapidated, largely due to the lack of Britons writing a solid will specifying what should happen to their property in the event of their death.

According to Empty Homes, Government data suggests that there are more than 200,000 homes across the UK which have been left empty for six months or more – despite the fact that Britain needs approximately 240,000 additional homes every single year in order to meet newly arising demand.

Nick Kalms, of, a website which specialises in remarketing empty properties, said: “The main reasons are without any doubt related directly to probate.

“These houses are therefore left to deteriorate until, finally, probate is granted enabling the house to be sold”.

The news highlights the increasing importance of consulting wills and probate experts for advice, in order to ensure that your legacy and assets are preserved for your loved ones exactly as you wish in a sound, recognised will.

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