Campaign for family law reform gathers pace
A campaign by a leading newspaper – which has called for sweeping changes to the UK’s family law framework – has received the backing of a former High Court Judge.
Sir Paul Coleridge has welcomed the push by The Times, which recently launched Family Matters – a campaign calling for a number of major reforms.
Among the changes that the newspaper is championing are the introduction of “no fault” divorce arrangements, full recognition of pre-nuptial agreements and the abolition of contentious joint lives maintenance awards.
Sir Paul, who is also the chair of the Marriage Foundation, noted that there were growing concerns that laws governing divorce and related matters across England and Wales had not been reviewed since the 1960s – when relationships and wider society were both very different.
The former Judge said: “Like it or not, the patterns of our social and domestic life change over time and the laws that frame it have to be updated.
“[Current] laws have become anachronistic and, to deploy a much overused expression, are no longer fit for purpose as regards the regularising of our private lives.”
Family Matters was launched late last year and has already been endorsed by a number of politicians and family law practitioners.
Resolution, the UK’s family law association, said: “It is great to see The Times launch this campaign for much-needed reform of divorce and other family law. It reflects much of our own concerns and manifesto, especially on no-fault divorce and cohabitation.”
And Suella Fernandes, the Conservative MP for Fareham, who has previously called for reform during a Parliamentary debate, said: “We have a law that promotes the farce of allocating blame, setting parties on a needlessly confrontational path that only fuels animosity and costs.”
Those who favour change will hope that the intervention of a well-known media outlet may help their cause, having been increasingly frustrated by the reluctance among legislators
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